A continued collaboration with ReForest London.

Westminster Ponds Centre (WPC) is committed to driving environmental change and ensuring that their efforts towards sustainability are felt by communities across the region.

“The Westminster Ponds Centre (WPC) will be a hub promoting environmental excellence, sustainability, health and wellbeing across our region by co-creating resources, services and impactful programming.”

With rTraction’s successful collaboration of ReForest London, Westminster Ponds Centre trusted our company to work together. 


How We Could Help? 

WPC’s website needed convenience when it comes to booking short-term spaces for their prospects. They needed to fix errors in their website and ensure sections are kept organized. To attract prospective clients, they also needed to improve the overall aesthetics of the current website from using appealing photos to having cohesive sections. WPC’s goal is to “sell” the centre, which is why they needed to have a clean navigation on their website about the services, programs, and events they offer. 

What Did We Do? 

rTraction ensures WPC’s events, messages, and services are well-communicated to its users, customers, and communities. They agree that we launch a new website for them and handle their website using Drupal to support flexibility, and easy-to-use content management. 

One of the main features is the easy navigation of their bookings, events, and property (like how the booking spaces are made much easier to do on the website.) We also see to it that the whole project is simple and flexible enough for them to be able to apply branding down the road.

The Outcome

rTraction was fortunate enough to continue this collaboration with Westminster Ponds Centre. We led them to have an attractive and cohesive website. rTraction delivered an easy navigation of their events, property, and bookings which helped increase awareness of their organization, and changed the way they communicate with their users and customers.

WPC is positively one of the most significant organizations that catalyzes for environmental excellence and supporting them to magnify their message is one that rTraction takes pride in. 

Visit their website and Instagram to know more about them!

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