Our Blog

Below is a collection of thoughts, ideas, tips and tricks as well as other things we are passionate about. We share these ideas with the hope of educating, entertaining, and increasing our SEO rankings (at least we’re honest).

eCommerce & Marketing 101

Supporting London Businesses We launched Supporting London Businesses in order to support small businesses that are closed or experiencing a reduction in sales due to the COVID-19 emergency response.

AODA, Accessibility, and Your Website

Accessibility isn’t just about making life easier for people with disabilities, it’s about breaking down barriers related to our communities, and making sure that everyone is included in every area of our organizatio

Waterfall, Agile, and the rTraction Way

I had an opportunity to speak on a panel about Leading in the Face of Disruption: What Organizations & Employees Need to Start Doing Now at the PMI South Weste

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